Before I begin, I know that very few people truly love editing. It’s one of those things that is black and white but seems to have so many rules and exceptions that leave most of us confused. From teaching editing skills myself, I am keenly aware of how many rules I didn’t know well enough to teach. I […]
Writers' Workshop
Time to Celebrate Poetry in ALL Classrooms
It’s April. That means it’s time to open the door to the most feared and cherished of genres – POETRY! I wish that classrooms focused on poetry year round because of all that it can offer a language classroom, but I also know why it’s often avoided. When I was in school, I had that teacher. Yes, […]
Writers’ Workshop: Brainstorming Ideas for Expository Writing
I was thrilled to be asked to model brainstorming for expository writing to fourth graders using the Writers’ Workshop framework. The students had already been taught expository writing and were able to tell me that “expository” meant they had to explain something. Many of the students equated it to research. The Texas Education Agency has defined the […]
Engaging Learners with Interdisciplinary Teaching
As educators, we are constantly hearing how important it is to make our curriculum relevant to students, and that the students need to have ownership and find value in their learning. It seems to me that the obvious solution is to actively teach more social studies. While social studies is written in every elementary curriculum, […]
Personal Narratives in Middle School
** Contact us if you would like Rogers Education Consulting to bring an engaging, hands-on, and evidence-based Writers’ Workshop session to your campus ** Last week I was so excited to work with middle school students in a Writers’ Workshop. I love that when I first tell the students that I am teaching a writing […]