As a Literacy Coach, I view my main job as getting kids to love reading. Here are some of my tricks!
Writers’ Workshop: Incorporating a Research Unit
How can I stay true to the Writers’ Workshop model while doing what I know to be best practice in research?
Writers’ Workshop: Celebrate the Authors!
Last week we celebrated all the little writers at our school!
Expository Writing: Helping Students Organize their Ideas
Join me for a moment in my writing conference…
Activate Schema and Engage Students with an Anticipation Reaction Guide
Why? While activating background knowledge might not be one of the “Super 6” comprehension strategies, I would argue that this is where every reader should start. As a reader, when I pick up a new text, I question what it is going to be about and what I already know about the subject. Sometimes, I might […]
Writers’ Workshop: Organizing Ideas for Personal Narrative Drafts
We are getting Writers’ Workshop kicked off school-wide – K-12!
Modeling Generating Ideas with Heart Maps in Elementary
We are getting Writers’ Workshop kicked off school-wide – K-12!
7 Strategies for Generating Ideas in a Writers’ Workshop
In the ideal Writers’ Workshop, students will write about topics of their choice that they are passionate about. This sometimes leads to frustration on the part of the students because they have a hard time figuring out what they want to write about and many times we hear comments like “I have nothing to write […]