For me, the weeks leading up to an in-service week are the most exciting and the most overwhelming. I am eager to meet my students and make my classroom come alive, but I also know there’s a lot of “boring” work I should be creating as well. For a Workshop Model classroom, there is quite […]
Writers’ Workshop: Show Don’t Tell
Every elementary Writers’ Workshop teacher has a go-to “Show, Don’t Tell” lesson in which students learn how to show or illustrate what is happening, instead of merely stating it. But do we ever have enough? Do the students ever master this highly important writing skill?? Exactly! So here is another lesson to add to your […]
Content Area Essays in Middle School
Admit it – you groaned just reading the title of this post! Any teacher who has taught middle school students to write in the content areas realizes how frustrating this experience can be. I am not going to even pretend that I have a silver bullet and everything will be fine. You might still smack […]
Revising Lesson Planning with Backward Design
When I first read Understanding By Design, I wasn’t completely sold.
Back to School Team Building Ideas
Similar & Unique. I have only done this activity with teachers in trainings, but it would definitely work in an upper elementary through secondary class setting. Each student will write three things they enjoy doing on a piece of paper without sharing. The first one should be something that a lot of other people probably […]
Your Reaction: A Key Element of the Writing Conference
I know what the most important part of conferencing in a Writer’s Workshop is!
Critical Analysis of a Poem in Middle School
Most middle school students are not thrilled to learn that they will be analyzing one poem over three days.
Teaching Text Evidence Without The Groans!
There are several topics that make students groan when you announce them…proving a point with text evidence is among the top five.